The single biggest challenge most shops have is they were started by technicians with marketable skills of some sort, rather than managers. (Think about all you ex-body men, painters, auto technicians.)
So why are today's shop owners/managers surprised when they find out all they have is a me-too shop based on a fundamentally flawed model of other me-too firms?
No matter how big or small your shop is, a great way to differentiate yourself is to adopt a business model that doesn't fit the conventional mold of your industry. Here are a few examples from big business:
- Herb Kelleher started Southwest airlines with an idea on a napkin... discard the industry's old hub-and-spoke model and discount fares dramatically.
- Ray Kroc threw out the conventions of the restaurant business and introduced assembly line production at McDonald's.
- Jeff Bezos, founder of, started selling books out of his garage, proved all the naysayers wrong and built the world's largest on-line retailer.
What Makes Your Shop Different - 4 Minute Video
So if you own Joe's Auto Body and Repair and you want to build an empire, you have to do a lot more than just fix/repair cars - you also have to be a strategist, manager and an entrepreneur. If that's not possible, then hire your weakness!
The point is, if you want your business to pay off, do something different! Being good isn't enough today. You also have to be good in different ways. You can't differentiate yourself if there's nothing different about the way you're doing business.
Thirty years ago you could differentiate your business simply by doing better advertising than the competition. But that's not enough anymore and you probably can't afford it anyway!
It's tough to be different, especially for auto body and repair shops. The good news is, if it were easy, all your competitors would be unique and exciting, and you wouldn't stand a chance.
The fact is, you don't have to do everything well in order to succeed. You just need to do some things differently and some things well.
Below are some ways your shop can differentiate itself:
- Service
- Processes
- Specific or Unique Niche Market
- Special Offer/Guarantee
- Solve a Unique Problem
- Offer an Experience not Just Service
- Unique Way of Doing Business
Finally, how do you identify your unique differences? Ask!
Interview your existing clients. Interview your existing customers and strategic partners. So what do you ask them:
- What made you decide to hire us/buy from us?
- What is the one thing we do better than others you do business with?
- What is the one thing we can do to create a better experience for you?
- Do you refer us? Why?
- What would you "Google" to find a business like ours?
**Blog written by Frank Terlep, CEO of eMarketing Sherpas**