Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Using Video to Sell and Service Customers

Video is a very powerful communication medium. It has been said that a "picture is worth a 1000 words". If that’s true, then a video is worth...1.8 MILLION words!

If you’ve seen the AC360° CNN video that outlines the issues between insurers, repairers and consumers, you know that video is a very powerful communication tool.

AC360° Video: CNN's Drew Griffin investigates claims that some insurance companies
are skimping on repairing damaged vehicles to pad their profits. 

Did You Know? 

  • One minute of video equates to 1.8 Million Words (Dr. James McQuivey, Forrester)

  • 59% of viewers will watch a video from start to finish that is less than one minute (Wistia)

  • 92% of mobile video viewers share videos with others (Invodo)

  • 65% of executives have visited a vendor's site after watching a video (According to Forbes, 39% have called a vendor after watching a video)

  • 70% of marketing professionals report that video converts better than any other medium (MarketingProfs)

  • When marketers included a video in an email, the click-through rate increased by 200 to 300% (Forrester)

  • The average internet user spends 88% more time on a website with video (Mist Media)

  • 64% of consumers are more likely to buy a product or service after watching a video about it (comScore)

  • Visitors who view videos stay on websites an average of 2 minutes longer than those who don't view videos (comScore)

  • Website homepage videos are shown to increase site conversion rates by 20% or more (ReelSEO)

  • Using video on website landing pages can increase conversion by 80% (Unbounce) 

Top 5 Online Video Ideas
So what is your plan to incorporate video into your company's sales, marketing and customer service strategy? Here are five ideas to get you started. 

1.    Create, Share and Distribute Company Video Profiles and Customer Testimonials: Use video to share your unique story with your various audiences. This can include customer testimonials, employee spotlights, unique business processes or your company's culture and values. Brands like Papa John's and Samuel Adams® have fully committed to telling their stories this way.

2.    Company, Service and other Video Updates:
Consider delivering regular company or service information with staff, insurance partners, customers and prospects through online videos. Offer something new to inboxes by embedding a video in your emails to your partners and customers. You should also consider utilizing video as part of your company's DRP application process.

3.    Explainer Videos:
An explainer or how to video is usually a 1-2 minute video that a shop can use promote their business; educate the consumer on the repair process and/or to introduce a new product or service. Below is an example of a repair process explainer video.


4.    Behind-the-Scenes Repair Process Footage:
Provide your customers, insurers and other partners an inside look at your company's business and repair processes. Sharing behind-the-scenes footage offers a sense of inclusion rewarding current and potential customers.

5.    Document Events:
Enter the realm of "brand journalism" by capturing and sharing the events your shop is involved in or supports. Your customers will feel like they're part of the action, creating a stronger bond.

It doesn't matter if you’re an independent auto body shop, franchise, local, regional or national MSO or Repair Network. If you are able to utilize visual media better than your competition, you will come out on top.

Sharing what you and your company do through video builds an emotional connection with your audience in a way that's impossible to establish with just plain old text.

Next Steps
Mitchell’s Digital Marketing Platform has combined several powerful tools to effectively market your business online and drive more profit through increased sales. Contact us or call us at 866-639-7075 to learn more about how to attract new customers and manage your customer experience with the Mitchell Complete Digital Marketing Solution.

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